Spinning Wheels…

spinning tiresHappy New Year!!

No, I’m not late in sending New Year’s greetings. I’m right on time.

Any day can be the start of a New Year for you. There’s nothing in life’s rules that says a ‘New Year’ has to start on January 1.

It can start on any day YOU want. Could be your birthday, could be your incorporation date or the date your started your business, could be the second Tuesday in March, could be the 29th of February! Whatever day YOU choose to begin a New Year is the right date and time for YOU!

After dealing with a death in the family on Christmas Day and all the subsequent activity until early January, I decided that my ‘New Year’ was going to start ‘later’. I just didn’t know when. And the biggest problem I could see looming ahead of me was procrastinating about when my New Year would start. The wheels were spinning but the brakes were holding steady.

Want to know how I figured it out?

First of all I paused. For someone with AD/HD, pausing can be extremely difficult. While my body can pause (generally for a short period of time), it’s very difficult to pause my mind. So I used several of the actions steps in the ‘Activate Your Vision’ strategies in my book, Getting Paid to Pay Attention. And I paused.

Then, I created some thinking time. Now I’m always thinking but this time I took all my thinking thoughts, wrote them down and looked for common themes, brainstormed some ideas, sorted them out, set out some targets with benchmarks along the way and poof!!! My New Year was 33% ready.

Then I used a couple of action steps in the Build Your Accountability Team section to set myself up for success so I can transform this year into my best year ever. Then I was 66% ready

Then I finished off with my favourite Celebration strategies and action steps and that it made it 99% ready.

It’s that last 1% that’s tough. That’s the movement, the action, the motion the release of the brakes that sets everything moving forward. And I’ve done that today.

So, today, January 16, 2013 is the start of my New Year!

How about you?

When do YOU take time to Pause, Transform and Celebrate? Could be for a New Year, could be for a new project or task, could be just for YOU!

Let me know!

Happy New Year to YOU, whenever it is or was!


Marilyn Strong, author

Getting Paid to Pay Attention


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